Old Version
Dwarf Warlord Commanding Presence: Inspiring Level: 1
Str: 18   Con: 12 Dex: 8 Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 11
Fort: 15  Ref: 12   Will: 12 AC: 12 Armor: hide
Hit Points: 24 Surge Value: 6 Surges: 8
Skills: Diplomacy 5, Athletics 9, History 7, Intimidate 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: humans
Sucker For: spicy food
Favourite Sin: Sloth Favourite Virtue: Patience Trusts in: Gods
He is trying to live up to something. His favourite drink is whiskey.
Str: 18   Con: 12 Dex: 8 Int: 14 Wis: 12 Cha: 11
Fort: 15  Ref: 12   Will: 12 AC: 12 Armor: hide
Hit Points: 24 Surge Value: 6 Surges: 8
At-will exploits: Furious Smash Viper's Strike | ||
Level 1 Daily: Pin the Foe Level 1 Encounter: Hammer and Anvil |
Skills: Diplomacy 5, Athletics 9, History 7, Intimidate 5
Feats: 1 heroic feat
Annoyed by: humans
Sucker For: spicy food
Favourite Sin: Sloth Favourite Virtue: Patience Trusts in: Gods
He is trying to live up to something. His favourite drink is whiskey.