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Civilization Gen
Time Period:
Shaping Force:
Time Period: Modern
Shaping Force: Magic
Population: Fairly even mix with slight majority of one race
Political Structure: democratic republic
Strong Influence: merchants/corporations
Popular Issue: legal system
Stability: very stable

Personal Freedoms: almost nonexistant
Scandals: rare
Foreign Relations: very bad
Main Resource: timber/lumber
Main Export: technology-related
Main Import: textile-related
Trade: major deficeit

Strength: very strong and improving
Wealth: in the hands of the elite
Main Climate: tundra
Ocean: on one side
Mountains: a few, including volcanos
Frequent Trouble: earthquakes

Wilderness: 26%
Wild Animals: rare
Natural Resources: good amount
Highly Values: bravery
Known For: exotic wildlife
Popular Entertainment: music/concerts
Respected Profession: homemaker

Discrimination: class-based
Major Taboo: bodily functions
Major Social Ill: gambling
Strength: weak
Focus: air
Main Unit: mages/wizards

Soldiers: draftees
Main Use: conquest
Rank: via family ties
Occurrence: omnipresent
Source: learned skill, but requires aptitude
Major Use: prophecy/divination

Viewed: as ordinary
Enchanted Items: extremely common
Type: polytheism
Focus: harmony with nature
Worship: joyous organized prayer in public temples

Associated Artform: stories/parables
Prevalence: believed by many
Holidays: fairly often
Urban: 70%
Rural: 30%
Literacy Rate: 63%

Gender Ratio: 0.57 male(s)/female
Fertility Rate: 3.2 children/family
Life Expectancy: 71.1 years