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Medieval City Map Generator

__ __ __ __ __
__ __ 1 2 3
__ __ 4 5 6
__ __ __ __ __
1: High District
2: Warehouse District
3: Pleasure District
4: Market District
5: Barracks District
6: Low District
1. High District
1__ 2__ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ 34__ __
5__ __ 6__
1: Library
2: Mansion
3: Mansion
4: House
5: Graveyard
6: Monument
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Hostler Road
Bard Road
Unicorn Lane

2. Warehouse District
__ __ __ __ 1
2__ __ 3__
__ 45__ __
__ __ __ __ 6
1: Warehouse
2: Warehouse
3: Armory warehouse
4: Shack
5: Apartment
6: Ore warehouse
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Rose Lane
Old Agate Street

3. Pleasure District
__ 1__ 23
4S1 S1 __ __
__ 5S1 67
__ __ 8S1 __
1: Apartment
2: Theatre
3: Apartment
4: Garden
5: House
6: Museum
7: Theatre
8: Garden
Major Streets
Street 1: Amethyst Lane

Minor Streets
Lizard Street

4. Market District
__ __ 1__ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ 23
1: Guardhouse
2: Tavern
3: Bookbinder
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Old Hydra Row
Rat Row

5. Barracks District
__ __ 123
4S1 S1 5__
__ 6S1 S1 __
__ __ __ __ S1
1: Apartment
2: Brothel
3: Training ring
4: Physician
5: Blacksmith
6: Fletcher
Major Streets
Street 1: Swordsman Row

Minor Streets
Rat Street
Drake Street

6. Low District
__ __ __ __ __
__ S1 12__
3S1 S1 __ __
__ 4S1 __ 5
1: Shack
2: Tanner
3: Warehouse
4: Embalmer's
5: Hut
Major Streets
Street 1: Alligator Way

Minor Streets
Hawk Street