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Medieval City Map Generator

__ __ __ __ __
__ 1 2 3 __
__ __ 4 5 __
__ __ __ 6 __
1: Market District
2: Warehouse District
3: Barracks District
4: Academic District
5: Residential District
6: Slum District
1. Market District
__ __ __ __ __
12__ __ 3
4__ __ __ __
5__ __ __ 6
1: Clothing shop
2: Spice merchant
3: Bricklayer
4: Glassblower
5: Locksmith
6: Apothecary
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Marble Row
North Opal Row

2. Warehouse District
__ 123__
__ S1 S1 S1 S1
__ 456S1
__ __ 7__ 8
1: Shack
2: Grain warehouse
3: Junkyard
4: Warehouse
5: Shop
6: Armory warehouse
7: Junkyard
8: Embalmer's
Major Streets
Street 1: Fox Row

Minor Streets
East Toad Row

3. Barracks District
__ 123__
4S1 S1 5__
__ __ S1 __ __
__ 6S1 S1 __
1: Parade grounds
2: Tanner
3: Tavern
4: Blacksmith
5: Arena
6: Farrier
Major Streets
Street 1: Opal Street

Minor Streets
Raven Road

4. Academic District
__ __ __ __ __
__ 1__ __ 2
__ 3__ __ __
__ __ 45__
1: Military Academy
2: University
3: Guildhall
4: Observatory
5: Planetarium
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Ferret Way

5. Residential District
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ 1__ __ __
1: Shack
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Dagger Way
Serpent Street

6. Slum District
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ 1__
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ 2__ __
1: Hut
2: House
Major Streets

Minor Streets
Jasper Row