Human Rogue Tactic: Artful Dodger
One of her at-will exploits is Sly Flourish.
Str: 14  Con: 12 Dex: 18 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 15
Fort: 13  Ref: 17   Will: 13 AC: 16 Armor: leather
Annoyed by: flattery
Sucker For: warlords
Favourite Sin: Wrath Favourite Virtue: Diligence Trusts in: Law
She has a large number of cousins. Her birthday is in the tenth month of the year.
One of her at-will exploits is Sly Flourish.
Str: 14  Con: 12 Dex: 18 Int: 12 Wis: 12 Cha: 15
Fort: 13  Ref: 17   Will: 13 AC: 16 Armor: leather
Annoyed by: flattery
Sucker For: warlords
Favourite Sin: Wrath Favourite Virtue: Diligence Trusts in: Law
She has a large number of cousins. Her birthday is in the tenth month of the year.